
Monday, February 16, 2009

Why I am running

Some of you may know already, but I am training to run a mini marathon (13.1 miles). I have never done anything like this in my entire life (except 1 5K in the summer of 07 when I lived in chicago), and to be honest a little scared. I started about 6 weeks ago on the Fleet Feet training schedule. And as of yesterday I ran 7 miles!!! I have never run 7 miles, ever. It was soo hard, and I hope that I am able to keep up my stamina to continue to run more (mentally I can, I just hope my body holds out... i need new insoles for my shoes!). I am actually running a series of 3 races (Triple Crown) before the mini. A 5K, 10K and 10 Miler, first race is March 7. Charlie dog and I will be out running 5 miles today... I hurt though.
Part of the reason I am doing this is for myself, obviously. To prove to myself that I can accomplish something like this. Also, to get my body into shape for my wedding dress. I am running 5 days a week, I hope to god its paying off. Another reason is for my father. He used to run all the time. Completed 30 some-odd mini marathons. He has had a knee replacement and hip replacement because of the running and had to quit after having those operations. So I am running for him. And a little thing called cancer. To prove that if I can work hard to make my goal happen, he can work hard to fight cancer and to live healthy.

1 comment:

  1. If you need new insoles, go to Gould's Discount Medical and ask for Geoffrey. That's my husband and he'll hook you up. :)
