
Monday, March 8, 2010

Week 9 Update

Wow, week 9! I am always amazed at how far we have come. We are definitely over the half way point and starting to mentally prepare for the long, 13.1 mile run. Some days that seems like an easy task, like I have prepare myself enough to be able to handle it. Then other days, it seems sooo daunting, especially if I have an "off" day running, I think "how the heck am I ever going to run 13.1 miles!?!". But hopefully, we will have prepared ourselves enough to finish.

This past weekend also marked the first race in the Triple Crown series. We will do a series of 3 races before the big Half Marathon. The first race was a 5k (3.1 miles). I ran the race last year, and G did too, so our goal for this year was just to do better than last year. My time for the 2009 race was 31:12 (did I ever say I wasn't a fast runner?). So this year, I just wanted to break 30 minutes.. and HOT DAMN! I DID!! :) I am so proud of myself. I ended up finishing in 29:02. A whole 2 minutes faster than last year and under a 10 minutes mile, so I was very pleased. G even did better by 2 minutes than last year! So now, we are gearing up for the next race in 2 weeks which is a 10k (6.2 miles). We have already run a 9 miler and this saturday we will run 10, so hopefully the 10k comes easy.

Here is how the rest of the week panned out:

Monday: 4 Miles and Cardio X
Tuesday: 3 Miles (was supposed to do Yoga X today to completely finish out my Phase 1, but I really dont like the yoga dvd, so I ended up skipping it all together.. oops!)
Wednesday: 5 Miles
Thursday: 3 Miles and Core Synergistics
Friday: nada (was supposed to do Cardio X, but just needed a day off)
Saturday: 5k!
Sunday: Cardio X

I am about 1 day behind on the P90X schedule, so I will have to do 5 miles AND Chest, Shoulders & Triceps/Ab Ripper tonight.. not really looking forward to it.

Oh, I have failed to mention that the weather has been much better lately and we have been able to do all of our runs outside! (Tuesday I got my hair cut, so I had to do it inside but that it just because I don't particularly like running in the dark). Running outside is SOO much better for me and the Dog likes it too!

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. You can do it! :) I admire your exercise routine.. very inspiring! :)
