Today, as I was driving downtown, I noticed two different airplanes in the sky, and my only thought was "Today would be a great day to fly somewhere (especially warm)". And there are a ton of places I want to go!! (I should play the lottery). But I feel that I should have a list of places to visit and make a conscious effort to make it happen.
Here's my list:
1. Los Angeles -- my big reason in wanting to go right now, is for my my sisters 30th birthday! I am just hoping I can find cheap enough flights
2. Hawaii -- G has stated we are going in September to stay with his cousins... again, I hope I can afford it
3. New York City - I have been, but want a longer time to look around
4. Back to Europe for another week trip.
4a. France
4b. England (specifically London)
4c. Spain
4d. Germany (for G's family history)
4e.. really anywhere
5. Greece
6. More islands in the Bahamas/BVI region
7. Denver
8. Boston
9. Chicago -- I just need another trip to one of my all time favorite cities
10. New Orleans for Mardi Gras -- have the opportunity to go this year, but dont have any vacation days to go :(
11. Alaska
12. Vancouver -- only because I saw a blog post about it today and it looked amazing
13..In all reality, take me anywhere.. I wanna go. I wanna see it all!!!
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