
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Updates Updates Updates

There is so much going on lately that I just havent had the time to blog about it all. I will try to get better! But here's what is going on presently:

1. I am still keeping up with the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. I have gone a little over 2 weeks, and I think I can tell a difference. It's not much, but at least I dont feel bloated. I have only take 4 days off, and then some days, instead of the DVD, I went for a jog with the Charlie dog. I actually started level 2 last night, and MAN! was it hard. It is a lot of upper body strength, which I dont really have. My 5lb weights are way to heavy, so I have to do some of the moves with out.... and trust me, it still burns.

2. We have been on a rollercoaster with my dad for the last 2 weeks as well. He was getting very weak at home, and was becoming more than my mom and sister could handle. So we had him admitted into the hospital so that he could eventually go to a nursing home for a while, till he could become more independent. While in the hospital, he started a new kind of cancer treatment that has just been approved for brain cancer patients. And at this point, its going GREAT! He'll get another treatment on saturday. But we are crossing our fingers that this will reduce the tumor. Also, he is moving out of the nursing home today!! He has done sooo well while being there, even up and walking the second day. I am amazed, and so glad he is giong to get to come home.

3. Wedding invites are being stuff, and hopefully sent out this weekend. I just have to tie the ribbons, address the envelopes, stuff and mail. It's all getting so close. I feel like I have a million things to do, but when I look at my list, not much is really there. I cant believe it is less than 2 months away. Where did the time go? I just need to reconfirm with all my vendors and send in some $$. I am off to get my dress fitted tonight! whoo hoo. I am hoping it is not as snug as it was when I first picked it up. I havent put it on since then. eeks! I love it. And I have my last shower this weekend. We have received so many great things. I spent the majority of last night moving my kitchen around, so that I could get rid of the old and put in the new. It's exciting, but we definitely dont have the space we need. I will hopefully have enough stuff for a yard sale that I want to have in the fall. We'll see.

I guess that is all I have for now. Again, I will try to be better about the blog posts! :)

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