
Sunday, March 13, 2011

10K Race

On saturday, I ran my 3rd 10K. I checked my times from the last two years to see what kind of time I was going to go for this year. I decided that I wanted to break 1 hour, since I came in at 1:02 last year.

please excuse this TERRIBLE picture.

Here is G and I before the race.  I ended up leaving G at about the 1 mile mark because my pace was just going to be a bit faster than his. So, I ran the race by myself. In some ways, I think this helps because I am able to work on my own time and pace, but then again, I kind of like being able to chat along the way. My pockets in my jacket weren't deep enough to hold my phone without it falling out, so I ended up having to carry my phone the whole way, didn't really like that either. But really, I felt pretty good through the whole race. My left leg started to feel a little bit of pain, but I just pushed through to finish.

And my time:  56:26!!!

I am uber pumped I beat the 1 hour and even by 3 min. YAY me!!!!

yes, ick.

And here we are at the end. So happy to be done. We have the 10 miler in 2 weeks, so now to prepare for that.

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