I would love to have a day to hit the local B&N and find some really helpful/interesting reads.
One book I'd like to get is "The Help". Several people I know are currently reading this and have recommended it to me and said it was a very good book. I dont even know what it is about, but I am a sucker for any recommended reading, or books that are on the best seller list.

But I am also looking for other books. Specifically I want/need some new design books. (I may or may not have said that I am a graphic designer by day. ) But I haven't bought a new design book in a while. May even flood over to photography books so I can get back into that since I have my fancy new camera!!! : )
And I also want to start reading about feng shui and qi and organics and all that other "hippie" stuff (I use the term "hippie" in the sincerest form). Not that I want to get real deep into it, but I am definitely interested in the topic and since I have felt so " out of place" lately, I feel that I need to learn more about it and how to "fix" it. Plus, the idea of healthy, non hormone produced food really gets to me.
Any other recommendations for good reading??
you have to read The Help. It's amazing.